Childhood Illnesses and Fevers

All of the common illnesses of childhood are inflammations. “Infection” is the wrong word for them because it suggests that we get sick because germs invade us. This is misleading. We are always exposed to and often harbour germs, yet we only occasionally get sick. Childhood is a time of most rapid growth and dramatic change. A child will remodel and renew his body many times as he grows. Every remodelling job requires some demolition – a breaking down of part of the inherited body structure in order to rebuild it better. This breaking down of old cells and tissues results in debris, which must be cleaned up before the body rebuilds itself.

It’s the immune system that does the breaking down by creating fever and inflammation to destroy and digest foreign or outworn bodily material. And it’s the immune system that cleans up the digested material and debris by pushing it out of the body. That is why children so often have skin rashes and discharge of mucus or pus because their immune systems are actively working. Debris that remains in the body may act as a poison or may cause allergies or repeated inflammations later on. Germs do not “attack” us, but they often multiply wherever the body’s living substance is dying, breaking down and being discharged. Germs don’t cause illnesses – they feed on them. Every childhood inflammation, every cold, sore throat, earache, fever, and rash is a healing crisis and cleansing process. It’s the body’s way of “cleaning house”.

Homeopathic remedies help and promote this cleansing process and help the illness to work its way out of the body for healing to occur. Antibiotics, aspirin, Tylenol and other anti-inflammatory drugs cool down and suppress the “fire” of the immune system so that the symptoms subside before the illness has fully worked its way out of the body. When inflammation is suppressed in this way and prevented from fully discharging its toxins, then either the inflammation comes back, or else the tendency to allergies and asthma is increased. Recent research has confirmed that antibiotics and vaccinations are a cause of increased allergies and asthma.

More info on Fevers