I am a full-time homeopath with classical unicist training, living in Alberta, Canada. I do consultations in-person, by video or by phone for patients from around the world.
I have been in clinical practice since the year 2000, at which time I obtained my first diploma in homeopathy and formed Homeopathic Clinic Lipa in Montreal. In the spring of 2013, I obtained my second degree in homeopathy from the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy.
Originally a biochemist and researcher, I first witnessed healing miracles in patients while working at The Research Institute of Balneology in my native country, Czech Republic. But my deeper understanding of how a simple mineral could contribute to healing from illnesses such as arthritis or infertility came only after I was introduced to homeopathy. With homeopathy, I keep discovering – through the eyes of my patients and through sharing their experience of the world – how all minerals and all the elements of the periodic table come alive!
My knowledge is continuously being expanded with conferences and seminars on health and homeopathy and studies on the latest research of master homeopaths from around the world.
I first discovered the power of an alternative approach to healing through personal experience. I spent my early childhood at my grandparents’ farm, playing outside most of the time. I shared some special moments with my grandmother, like going out to the woods together to pick mushrooms, herbs, or berries. After this, she would cook a very simple, yet tasty, meal, mixing the picked plants or fruits with farm-grown vegetables or eggs. I knew then I was lucky to have my grandparents, who loved me unconditionally, but I truly realized how lucky I was only after these years living in big, urban cities and dealing with the real world.
Over the years, I developed not only a strong interest in herbs but also in nutrition. I remember studying food ingredients on every label of jars or cans we bought for our household, which my parents considered an obsession. After I graduated from the Faculty of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry in Prague, I got a position as a researcher at the Institute of Balneology in one of our most beautiful spa towns in Europe. I witnessed many miracles in the healing of our patients after their diet had been changed and indulged themselves with mineral baths and a “mud” therapy. I realized that teaching about changing or even building upon our current lifestyle would be a powerful way of boosting wellness and treating sickness.
Then life took me to another continent and gave me children, an experience that dramatically changed my views. After my son received his fourth vaccine (DCT & polio booster), he became seriously ill with whooping cough, one of the diseases he was vaccinated for. He had to be hospitalized for many days and doctors couldn’t give me an answer as to why my little boy got a disease he was supposed to be protected from. After that, despite all my efforts and best care, he was falling ill very often. The numerous drugs that were prescribed to him had no impact on the periodic pattern of his respiratory ailments, including pneumonia. At that time, I felt that this was something beyond my understanding and that familiar treatment with just a diet and supplements would not be enough.
Finally, I took my son to a homeopath, which was a turning point for his state of health. The results were so impressive that I bought myself many homeopathic self-help books and began to treat not only my son but the whole family and our friends. One year later, I registered for a full-time program in homeopathic training, and 4 years later, I became a practicing homeopath.
Homeopathy, to me, was an instant attraction that deepened as its philosophical shape was revealed. Today, after meeting numerous people who spent decades searching for a fulfilling and meaningful job, I know how fortunate I am for finding a vocation that helped me and enables me to help others as well.
I know my grandmother is looking down on me from heaven and she smiles…